

Eva values structure and effective systems. After years of employing a reliable strategy that has produced exceptional results, she created “The Eva Scheme” to support ambitious and diligent maternity nurses. This scheme not only helps them build their business but also achieve the success Eva has experienced over the years. It equips maternity nurses with essential skills and tools to observe, listen, and implement a plan to achieve their goals. Furthermore, it emphasizes building relationships with families and appropriately utilizing their roles while providing family support.

  • 24 hour live in Maternity Nursing

    This service is an ideal solution for first time mums, twins or anyone needing extra support and guidance. We offer 24-hour maternity services for up to 5/6 days a week. Virtual consultations are available upon request.

  • Day/Night Maternity Nursing

    This service is for parents looking for assistance overnight or during the day. A daytime nurse provides and implements a daytime routine and shares a flexible night structure for parents to follow. A night nurse will help support your baby with a good bedtime routine, whilst allowing parents have some well-deserved rest. Virtual Consultations are available upon request

  • Travel/Holiday Maternity Nursing

    This service is for parents looking for a maternity nurse to travel with them and their baby. Advantages of using a Travel Maternity Nurse

    • Offers parents the luxury of enjoying excursions and activities or attending to work commitments without worrying about childcare.
    • Helps maintain the child’s routine and schedule even while away from home.
    • Allows parents to have a holiday to rest and enjoy quality time together.
    • Eases the burden of travel logistics and childcare management during the trip.
    • Reassurance to parents that your child will receive professional care from a qualified and trained maternity nurse.

If you are passionate and driven to develop your skills and excel in your field, Eva Maternity Services is honoured to coach and teach you all you need to know about maternity nursing.

What You Get

  • The Eva Scheme Handbook: A comprehensive guide on becoming a self-employed maternity nurse.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Instructions on managing your finances and insurance.
  • Portfolio Template: A complimentary template to help you present your qualifications and experience effectively.

Get A Free Quote

To get a free quote, please contact us at your convenience. We look forward to serving you.

  • Call Us+44 7852 604847
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